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ŀ႙ 18 series, in stock
In 1957, Mr. Eliezer Landau established GIGI Laboratories in Israel.
GIGI is already a leading global brand.
* Has more than 300 products.
* Leading exporter of cosmetics to over 45 countries in Europe, Asia, the United States and the Far East.
* Sells its products to 60,000 cosmetic and beauty salons worldwide.
* First professional cosmetics exporter in Israel.
GIGI helps women around the world look fresh, healthy and beautiful, helping them to look and feel great every day.

18 series, in stock
※ Gigi 3D
※ Gigi Acnon
※ Gigi Aroma Essence
※ Gigi Bioplasma
※ Gigi Carboxy
※ Gigi City Nap
※ Gigi Collagen Elastin
※ Gigi Ester C
※ Gigi Glycopure
※ Gigi Lipacid
※ Gigi New Age
※ Gigi Oxygen Prime
※ Gigi Recovery
※ Gigi Retin A
※ Gigi Sea Weed
※ Gigi Sun Care Uva/Uvb
※ Gigi Vitamin E
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ŀ႙ 18 series, in stock

1 commentaire
Esu kosmetologė ir noriu naudoti jūsų priemones darbui
Esu kosmetologė ir noriu naudoti jūsų priemones darbui